


  1. 1

    Oil-free Tooth Element

  2. 2

    Advance touch screen monitoring system

  3. 3

    Mechanical Drive System

  4. 4

    Optimal control

  5. 5


  6. 6

    Plug & play package

  7. 7

    Compact design

  8. 8

    Soundproof design

  9. 9

    Ease of maintenance

  1. 1
    Oil-free Tooth Element

    Our oil free tooth elements have a supreme track record of proven reliability and durability. Combined with competitive efficiencies, they make the ZT/ZR range the best choice in this power range of oil free compressors.

  2. 2
    Advance touch screen monitoring system

    The next-generation Elektronikon® operating system offers a great variety of control and monitoring features that allow you to increase your compressor’s efficiency and reliability thanks to the many embedded advanced control algorithms.

  3. 3
    Mechanical Drive System

    Our recently introduced super premium efficiency IE4 class motor, combined with a gear box design that has proven its extreme reliability, this ZT/ZR range is equipped with a highly efficient and reliable mechanical drive system.

  4. 4
    Optimal control

    On our VSD variants, we are using our in-house designed highly efficient NEOS frequency converters. Neos frequency converters are built into a cubicle that ensures stable operation up to 50°C/122°F. We combine the NEOS frequency converter with electric motors that have been specifically designed for VSD use, also on low motor speeds with attention for motor and compressor cooling. All Atlas Copco VSD compressors are tested and certified for Electro Magnetic Compliance. Compressor operation does not influence external sources and vice versa. Our VSD compressors can range between 30-100% of the maximum capacity (turndown 70%). Between minimum and maximum motor speed, the motor can run on every speed (there are no resonance frequencies that need to be avoided), so that stable net pressure and energy savings are ensured.

  5. 5

    ZT VSD compressors are provided with an air-cooled oil cooler, an intercooler and an aftercooler. An electric motor driven fan generates the cooling air. ZR compressors have a water-cooled oil cooler, an intercooler and an aftercooler. Newly introduced Tube and Shell type coolers ensure sturdy performance. The cooling system includes three parallel circuits:

  6. 6
    Plug & play package

    Our ZR/ZT are designed for easy installation and maintenance. No unnecessary interlinking of extra components, so no extra risks for downtime.

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    Compact design

    Low footprint and easy installation.

  8. 8
    Soundproof design

    The ZR/ZT compressor comes with a sound insulated canopy. No separate compressor room is required. It allows for installation in most working environments.

  9. 9
    Ease of maintenance

    Components in the compressor are strategically placed for ease of access.