
The process flow, step by step.

Inlet & filtration

The air is represented by the light blue flow. It is drawn into the compressor through the inlet filter where the air is cleaned. Then it passes through the throttle valve with

integrated blow off valve that takes care of the load unload regulation. The air then continues to the compression stage.

First compression & cooling

In the first compression stage the air pressure is raised to an intermediate pressure after which the air is cooled down in the intercooler. After the intercooler the air passes through a moisture separation system before entering the high pressure stage.

Second compression & cooling

In the high pressure stage the pressure is brought to the final pressure. The air at the outlet of the high pressure stage goes via the pulsation damper with integrated check

valve to the aftercooler where it is cooled down and moisture is separated and evacuated. The compressed air leaves the compressor through the outlet connection


Integrated dryer

The cooled wet compressed air is now mixed with 40% of the cooled regeneration air and enters the dryer. The dry compressed air with guaranteed dew point is now ready

for use in your application.

Oil flow

The yellow flow is the oil path within the compressor. The oil pump sucks oil from the oil sump and pumps it through the oil cooler and the high efficiency filter. This delivers cool clean oil to the bearings, the gears and the compressor’s element jackets. It is important to note that in the complete process no oil comes in contact with the Air, hence ensures complete oil free air.