
Typically, the investment and installation of a compressor represents about 15% of the total life cycle cost of a compressor, calculated over 10 years. Maintenance represents another 15%, while the energy consumption represents 70%. It is easy to understand that energy efficiency is important. Every percent that can be gained in efficiency will have a direct impact on the life cycle cost of your

compressor. While being utterly reliable, our ZT 15-55 (VSD) and ZR 30-55 (VSD) are also competitive in terms of efficiency. These are the highest contributors to the efficiency of this machine range:

Variable Speed Drive A Variable Speed Drive (VSD) compressor automatically adjusts its

motor speed to the air demand. Applications have a varying air

demand. That is why Atlas Copco pioneered the Variable Speed

Drive (VSD) technology for compressors to make sure that your

system gets the right amount of air.

Save Energy with a VSD Adding one or more VSD machines to your compressed air installation will greatly improve the energy efficiency of the complete system, with energy savings easily up to 35%.

Installation with external dryers

Full feature installation


Integrated ID & IMD Dryers Integrating our ID or iMD dryers ensures optimum efficiency for the combination of compressor and dryer. iMD heat of compression rotary drum dryers will even give you a

dew point suppression of 40°C without loss of compressed purge air nor extra energy input for a blower or heater.

This dryer is regenerated with the heat of compression. If you need dry air, this is definitely the most efficient dryer solution, infinitely better than any alternative.

Advanced Control Algorithms

The Elektronikon compressor monitoring system saves energy by

using advanced control algorithms:

Delayed Second Stop (DSS): in traditional fixed speed machines

(load/unload), when a compressor reaches the unload pressure, the

machine will be kept running in unload for a fixed time, to prevent

too frequent starting and causing the electrical motor to overheat.

Our sophisticated Delayed Second Stop (DSS) will take the running

conditions of the machine into account and will allow the machine to

stop if no frequent motor starts preceded. This will generate major

savings compared to traditional load/unload compressors.

Timer Functions: stop your machines when no air is needed. Often,

machines are kept running over night and during weekends, even if

there is no need for compressed air during these times. The timer

function on our compressors can easily fix this.

Dual pressure band: even if compressed air is needed during nights

and weekends, often, the required pressure is lower during these

times. Implementing a dual pressure band with lower settings during

nights and weekends will save loads of energy.

Designed for efficiency Oil-free tooth element

Oil free tooth technology remains very competitive among the dry

compression technologies for this power range in terms of

efficiency. They make ZT/ZR 15-55 the best choice in this power

range of oil free compressors.

IE4 Motors: Super Premium Efficiency

On our fixed speed machines, introduction of IE4 class motors will

save extra energy, every hour the machine runs. With machines

typically running 4000 to 8000 hours per year, again a major

contributor to efficiency and energy savings.

Multiple Machine Control

Any installation with 3 or more machines will benefit from a central controller. This can be our optional built in control algorithm EQ4i/ EQ6i, our advanced sequencer, Equalizer 4.0 or our advanced controller, Optimizer 4.0.

Each have their benefits for their typical target installations. But one thing they all have in common: they will control your installation in a more efficient way than the individual machines with individual settings can.