It’s all about efficiency, reliability and connectivity

To make sure that your production facility is fully ready to enter the digital and sustainable future, your compressed air network should be managed in the smartest way. Our advanced Optimizer 4.0 and the flexible Equalizer 4.0 PRO are the perfect solution. Both central controllers allow you to optimize savings and maximize machine life expectancy, while the embedded connectivity gives you a wealth of operational insights.

Smart factory

Factories are continuously evolving to assure a more efficient and reliable production. A central controller prevents downtime and reduces energy cost. Our smart algorithms monitor data from compressors, blowers, dryers and filters to run in the most optimal way. All these datapoints are sent over a secure network to your SCADA or DCS system via embedded connectivity. Get ready for Industry 4.0!

Efficiency & carbon reduction

Even the most efficient machines need to work together in harmony to achieve the lowest energy usage. Our central controllers are specifically designed for this. Smart algorithms regulate compressors, blowers and dryers to run in their sweet spot to reduce energy consumption and prevent excess air being spilled. A central controller is the key to a low carbon utility room.

Reliability & increased uptime

Stable outcome of your production is crucial to being a reliable business partner. The reliable Atlas Copco machines become even more reliable if they’re centrally managed in an advanced way. The smart algorithms in the Optimizer 4.0 and Equalizer 4.0 PRO reduce running hours and maintenance to extend the lifetime of your installation. Central controllers help you achieve the highest possible uptime.